
Challenge Wednesday #3

Wednesday, Wednesday... isn't there a song about Wednesday's? 

If you are new around here, each Wednesday my friend Tracey from Control the Chaos and I give each other challenges.  Both of us are intend to live full lives, in the most simple and enjoyable way possible.  So we thought we would take our strengths and interests and introduce each other to them.  

So, last week over at Control the Chaos, I reported on the challenge Tracey had given me to make a homemade staple item {quite a challenge for a self-professed queen of convenience foods}.  And here is Tracey to report back on the challenge I delivered her...

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Last week Jen challenged me to make a 1000 gifts list.  This is a great challenge, because it really made me stop and notice what was going on around me.  It's been very busy around here, and my mind has been focused on what's ahead, rather than on what's here.  

So, I figured 100 gifts was a nice round number.  Hmmm.  It's been great and all, but that's a lot of gifts to find in a week.  So, I came up with 55, and a promise to continue.  Good?

Here's what I found so far:

1000 gifts

1.  The Sweet Miracle content to cuddle beside me while I drink my coffee.
2.  Two boys who woke up easily this morning and got ready for school with no complaints and wonderful attitudes.
3.  The husband who understands my need to recharge and happily watches the kids so I can do that.
4.  The girl who likes to nap.  I needed rest today.
5.  Fun Fridays and The Amazing Race.
6.  My husband’s talent for and interest in technology.
7.  No plans on a Saturday.
8.  Amaretto in my post dinner coffee.
9.  Kids who still think we are cool.
10. My son’s love for others.  It never ceases to amaze me.
11. Big #2’s talent for dancing.  Highly entertaining.
12. A few blessed days of summer...in October.
13. Biscuits and Nutella.
14. Home movies.
15. A game called “Islands”, invented by two very creative little boys.
16. A family who has no need for fancy pants dinners.
17. Easily accessible markets where I can buy fresh and in-season produce for reasonable prices.
18. Flannel pajamas.
19. The opportunity to train and run my first marathon.

20. A pet hamster that provides endless joy for the three kiddos.
21. Fresh bread from the oven.
22. A church ohana that calls just to make sure we are doing fine.
23. Only needing one car.
24. Getting to play the drums at church.
25. A part time job where I get to feel like a professional.
26. A fantastic babysitter who takes amazing care of the Little.
27. Giggles.
28. Children who like to read.
29. Children who enjoy being active.
30. A husband who likes to be home with us.
31. The orchid on the bookshelf.
32. Peace and quiet after the kids go to bed.
33. Great big blankets to cuddle under on the couch.
34. A friend who is a great cheerleader.
35. An opportunity to live abroad.
36. Finishing my first marathon.

37. A spontaneous hug from my boy.
38. Husband anticipating my needs.
39. Stroopwafels and coffee.
40. The Brady Bunch.
41. Camping.
42. Fall colors.
43. Big #2’s curly hair.
44. My own curly hair (I guess).
45. Bedtime.
46. Three fantastic children.
47. Big #1’s easy and infectious giggle.
48. Getting to go home and see our family.
49. Boy time while the Little and I go to the U.S.
50. The iPad to entertain the Little on the airplane.
51. Living in the country but still close to town.
52. The dimple in Husband’s cheek.

53. Wheels and wheels of cheese.
54. Warm blankets to cuddle under on the couch.
55. House Hunters on Hulu.

So, I declare my first challenge a success.  It's fun to sit on the couch with the computer, listen to the joyous sounds around me, and write them down so I can savor the moment.  Thanks, Jen, for your inspiration. 

You can find the continuation of this list on the top of my blog, Control the Chaos.  Just click on 1000 Gifts.

Ready for your next challenge, Jen?  I challenge you to read Food Rules by Michael Pollan, and share a brief summary as well as your thoughts.  The additives in modern food are both unnecessary and unsatisfying.  Getting back to the basics can help us enjoy what we eat, control our cravings, and give us the healthy lifestyle we all want, without diets.  

Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Okay, first...let me tell you.  I got to see this lady finish her marathon.  If I needed an inspiration to get back on track?  There it was.  

And second, Yay!  I am so excited.  With that my new lease on getting healthy {and staying that way}, this book should be a big help.  Can't wait to read it.  Hey...friends, do you want to read along with me??  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on finishing a marathon!

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