
Patience :: Day 21 [31 days to being a better mama]

20.  Today's focus: patience.
Sorry.  I just had to stop laughing before I could type.

This could be one of the more challenging items on the list.

Remember this day?  I keep the Serenity prayer next to my bed!

I didn't get a job description for this mama job I have, but I am pretty sure one of the requirements would have been patience.  So, I guess that means I better buck up, chill out and be patient.  Even if I do have a two year old.  

It's not like he is trying to try my patience, right?  {wink}

It's true.  Love is patient.  Loving our children requires patience.

And come to think of it, so much of parenthood requires patience.  Being patient for the days that they are more independent.  Being patient for the days that they will make us laugh when they tell a joke or make us proud with some school accomplishment.  Being patient {for me} for when they just plain have more words.

Its like they are tell us...

Source: etsy.com via Jenny on Pinterest

Today, I will.  And every day going forward, I will do my best.

Tell me... what kind of tricks or methods do you use to remind yourself to be patient?  Am I the only one that struggles with this one?

If you are just joining me, please be sure to check out my 31 days to being a better mama page for previous posts.

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