
Top 10 Tuesday: Why my Mom is better than your Mom

Kidding on that title by the way, I am sure that your Mom is just as fabulous as mine.  Well, maybe.  Unless she isn't.

So the reason for a post about my Mom today?

Today is my Mom's Birthday.  Yup, Valentine's day.  Guess what her name would have been had she been a boy...

So, in honor of her birthday, the top 10 reasons I'm glad she's my Mom (in no particular order):

1.  She traveled to New Jersey AND the Netherlands and spent several weeks caring for me {c-sections both times} and my littles when they were born.

Mar 6 2009, New Jersey

Feb 1 2011, Netherlands

2.  She can enjoy a good episode of The Bachelor just as much as me. {Although it's usually because of me that she's watching.}
Feb 13 2010
3.   I can completely be myself around her, cranky moods and all.

4.  She's a great lunch or dinner date.  Food, drinks and conversation with someone who knows everything about you? Yes, please, and thank you.

5.  She is an inspiration health and diet wise.  She lost the weight and kept it off.

6.  She is one of the best grandma's in the land.

7.  In an effort to stay connected with her kids and grandkids she is willing to still learn new technologies {with the help of her "help desks"...my sister-in-law and me}

8.  Through all of the things that have happened in both of our lives, including many moves {on my part}and marriages {on both of our parts}, our relationship has stayed as strong and unchanged as it has ever been.  Having that constant in my life is awesome.

9.  She is always a good shopping buddy.

10.  She was smart enough to give birth to me.   {haha.  ha.}

So, Mom...my most faithful blog reader {# reason 11}...Happy Birthday!!!

* * * 

Top Ten {Tuesday}



Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Love your list! She sounds wonderful!! Happy Birthday to her!!

Lena B, Actually said...

Great post!!!
Your mom sounds so cool! Love it!
Thanks for linking up!

Angie said...

She does sound fabulous! What a great list of reasons why.

Gerty said...

What a special post....so sweet! Made me kiss my mum. She's my best friend. And I won't challenge you on the best mum thing. Yours is the best..for you, and God have the best one for me. Those photos are so precious.

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