
On doing what you love.

I will forever be grateful for the experience I've had over the last two plus years of living overseas.  It's a once in a lifetime opportunity.  I 'get' to live in a foreign country.  I 'get' to be a stay at home mom.

Its an expeience that creates a life with (and this may surprise you) few distractions. So I'm left with a lot of time to realize what I love and value the most in life.

The list starts with my husband, my children, my extended family and my friends.  

It continues with writing.  I love writing, and I have for a long time.  It serves as a respit for me.  Sort of like free therapy, and maybe someday, if I play my cards right, it could lead to a career. 

I've also learned what I don't love, and one of those things is working as a stay-at-home-mom.  

Don't get me wrong, I love my children, with my entire heart. I love my husband and want to support him in any way I can. I love the opportunity I have to see my children grow and develop right before my eyes. But I'm also afraid that I'm screwing them up right before my very eyes.  I have no early childhood education training.  I will be forever thankful that my son gets to go to nursery school each day so that he can be taught by trained professionals. 

I'm a firm believer that God has a plan for each and every one of us.  And in some people's plans, working at home as a wife and/or mother is written.  But in my plan?  I'm pretty sure it was just listed for 2011-2013.  

Notice I call it 'working at home' or 'working as a stay-at-home-mom', because it is work.  Its a job, and it is one of the most important jobs that is available.  And that is why I want to leave  it to experts. To the women who are passionate about working at home. I have an undying respect and admiration for those moms {and dads, as the case may be}.

I know I'm an expert on my own children. I value that, and I realize that.  But, I also don't think that working outside of the home will be detrimental to my children or to society.   

So when my husband did a financial report to see if I would need to go back to work when we move back to the U.S. the findings were positive.  Positive because I need to, and positive because in the back of my head, that is what I was hoping would be the case.  

In the meantime though?  I'll be the best Candyland playing, time out giving and cookie baking {and all of the other 1,000+ things that become a working at home mom's responsibility} mom I can be. 

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A Royal Daughter

1 comment:


I feel you on this. Once my kids {well, i only have one right now. hopefully i'll have 2.} go to school I want to head back to work. Most days I go to bed thinking about how I didn't do everything right. I wasn't the best Mom ever and I have absolutely NO idea how to teach Sebastian basic stuff. NONE WHAT SO EVER. I'm so confused.

I also need a place for me. I miss using my brain and being around people. I also miss making money!!

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