
The Big Picture

The other day I was talking with my brother on the phone.  He was talking about all of the excitement in his life--home remodeling, new appliances, kids in sports and more.

And I said, "Well, nothing new here.  Life is pretty boring."

His reply:  "Boring?  You live in Scotland.  Your husband is in the middle of traveling between three different countries."

"Huh," I said.  "Guess you are right.  I don't seem to look at it that way."

"Yeah, you need to look at the big picture."

The big picture.

Huh.  That's a concept.  Perhaps I need to stop getting all caught up in the day to day stuff and remember to live in the moment and look at the big picture.

Now: spending time with family and friends.
In a few weeks: discovering Scotland.

And when I look at the big picture?  I need to be thankful.  Very, very thankful.

That brother of mine?  He's a smart guy.

And a fun Godfather too.

The Fontenot Four


E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Yes! I would say that you have a very exciting life!

Nics Cahill said...

The Big Picture - great advise, and wise words from your brother, sometimes it is hard to see, but knowing it is there, is comforting. Especially in the midst of stress and strain of daily life.

Sarah {the fontenot four} said...

What a great post! Thanks for linking up with me! Where in Scotland? My mom and her family are from Scotland.

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