
House tour: Floor 3

Well, this is where the tour gets REALLY boring.  For the (sort of) exciting parts of the tour visit here and here.   Oops, and then for real excitement we made some changes to the first floor

Alright, back to it.  You'll need to take another "efficient" flight of stairs and then you come to the third floor.  I don't think I have ever lived in a house with three floors.   A dorm with three floors, yes.  But not a house.  That is how they build 'em over here though. Easier to fit more homes in when you build up. 

At least it is good for weight loss.  Especially on days with five loads of laundry. 

Like today.  
at the top of this flight you are
rewarded with sunlight (sometimes)

the guest bedroom.  yup, this is where you would sleep. 
Our most recent guest referred to this as the "penthouse".  I like that.  

The other reward for climbing to the peak of our home? 

From what I have heard from each visitor we have had is that you can't hear little baby cries or toddler yells from this room (unless you are supposed to and keep the door open, of course.  thanks again Mom!).  So yes, guests get to sleep in.  

Lucky ducks. 
same room; but this is our "office"

the non-boring part of the 3rd floor?  the view.  

not too shabby, definitely better in the summer. 

this is our patio. 

Yes, the patio is on the third floor.  Needless to say, we haven't used it too often.  Sort of hard to enjoy a nice cool glass of wine or beer (or two) when you have to run up and down two flights of narrow, steep stairs for the next round.  

The other room on the third floor is the laundry room.  Not too exciting.  

Except that everything on the washer and dryer is in Dutch.  Imagine using that when you don't have internet (a.k.a. my crutch, google translate) and have the thickest, most confusing Dutch-English dictionary that has been written.  The only one you could find on like your second (solo) day in the country. 

Yup, sometime when we meet in person, ask me about that shopping trip.  

So that is the house.  Was there anything I missed that you are wondering about?  What do you think--a lot different than a home in the U.S.?  

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