
Being Brave: Progress Made

On January 2, instead of making a new year's resolution I was sure not to keep, I decided on having "one word" for the year.  My word is BRAVE.   

I had no idea at the beginning of the year where that was going to bring me or how it was going to change my life. And to be perfectly honest, up until this past Saturday, I wasn't feeling very brave.  That is a day that I am so thankful for, and has changed my mood, my faith and my attitude.   {For the better, of course.}
So, with a renewed spirit, I wanted to check in and touch base on a few of the ways that I had planned to be brave in 2012.  Today I'll reflect on where I've made progress.  And a part two will come soon on...well, things I haven't.

#4 was to live a purpose driven life.  During Lent {and as my "good habit" in this session of Game On...but more on that to come} I have started reading the book, "The Purpose Driven Life" and it was the nudge that I needed for Saturday to happen.   So check, and check.  I get excited to read the next chapter of this book every day.

#5 was to meet new people.  Sort of an obvious move, since we are living in a new country, right?  Well, this was the first week that I really did it.  Evidently it took me a while to build up the courage.  But with a playgroup today, another coming up on Monday and a girls night tomorrow night?  I will have officially met quite a few Scots {and hopefully friends}.

And I must say {even as much as I told myself I didn't need it} it DOES feel good to get to know some more people.  J#3 & J#4 are fun kids, but they just aren't such great conversationalists, you know?

#9 was all about losing weight and getting healthy.  If you are a regular here, you know I am all over this one.  If you are newer, well then read here for my latest update.  And the next time I mention we have a new session of Game On starting?  You better join us.  It seriously is life changing.
#10 was to discover Scotland {and England and Ireland}.  A plan has been set in place.  Check out my bucket list for a rundown of some of the places we are going to see.  And our plan is to head out and "discover" at least two weekends every month.

So out of the 10 ways I was going to be brave, I wrote about four here.  Which means...I have some work to do.

But unlike a week ago?  I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am for a renewed faith and spirit that have given me an attitude of "can do" instead of "maybe later".

* * *

Linking up with a punk, a pumpkin and a peanut and The Fontenot Four for Thankful Thursday. 




JOY 2 JOURNEY said...

Where have you gone too? Busy with babies I bet! And you live in Scotland now. Wow. Brave is a good word to work on ... blessings in your journey!

Carina Schoen said...

awesome! i am jealous that you get to explore scotland and ireland... i bet you are encountering such beauty. and i love the word "brave". great choice - so inspiring!

Sarah {the fontenot four} said...

Love your post. I love Scotland. My mom was from Scotland and I went over with her once. Still have some family there. I so want to go back!!

Ms. Kathleen said...

Love your word BRAVE. I would say I am NOT brave. It would be a great word to study. Mine is Contentment. What an interesting battle that is! But I am learning.

Enjoy exploring your new world. I would love to go to your neck of the woods and explore.


Tracey Davis said...

So very happy for you, friend.

Nicolette said...

Kudos to you for getting out and meeting new people. It can be so difficult to step outside your comfort zone especially in a new place, so of you!

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