I wrote a message yesterday to my readers friends about what this blog has be meant to me, and more importantly, that the fact that you READ it means so much to me.
And now, looking forward.
Intend to Live, the blog I am launching on Sunday with Tracey, is an unopened gift.
There is the excitement leading up to the day, not sure what exactly is going to be inside the package. Sure, we made a list of what we hope it might be. We put work and thought into it, and we each have our hopes of what it will become.
I am looking forward with anticipation as to what possible gifts will come from joining with a good friend to create a new blog will bring. Since that friend has already brought awesome gifts into my life, I can only imagine that they will continue to grow and multiply.
And hopefully its an unopened gift to you. Isn't blogging in general? Who knows what waits for you as you sleep and people across the world hit "publish". We see the gifts of creativity, organization, love, tenderness, photography, skills in the kitchen and other places. We see the gifts of the people that we share interests, loves and faith with.
My hope and prayer is that going forward you only find unopened gifts to keep you excited about what tomorrow has to offer.
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Make sure to visit The Gypsy Mama for more wonderful women's Five Minute Fridays

Hi neighbor...blogger was having some issues...did a test before I kept typing and losing my comment:)
My hope and prayer is that going forward you only find unopened gifts to keep you excited about what tomorrow has to offer. I love this...
A great prayer to pray for my loved ones...
blessings on your new blog site...
Oh, I just love this so much -- the thought of writing and blogging like an unopened gift. What a great perspective!
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