Back in my 'ole blogging days, I used to join in the fun of a link-up called "Five Minute Fridays". So, of course I had to join in again now that I'm trying blog a bit more.
The whole idea is to set a timer, write for five minutes about a topic, and then link up over here.
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Grateful. Of course I am! How could I not be?
For realz. Look at these two...
Sometimes it is so easy to get lost in the 'everyday-ed-ness' of life. You get stuck in routine. Crabby because the ever elusive sun won't show it's shining face.
It's easy to forget all that we have to be grateful for, like for me:
- a husband who puts up with all my moods
- kids who don't even notice them
- and love spending time with me, giving me hugs and kisses
- mostly just making me feel like the luckiest mom on earth
- the ability to be close to family and friends
- a beautiful home
- a fun job
- with great froworkers (& coworkers)
- a full weekend packed with entertaining our most favorite people this weekend
- the promise of days ahead
- the promise of each new day, where I can start again
- the fact that I don't ever have to stop trying...and someday, someday...
- the knowledge that habits and good changes will stick
- vacation days
- Fridays
- 'stay at home' days = my daughter's name for weekends
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What are you grateful for today?